Mines & Meadows ATV Riding Resort in Wampum, PA
offers ATV and dirt bike enthusiasts in Western
Pennsylvania a truly unique experience with miles
and miles of trails on 600 ac ...
Located in the Majestic Allegheny Mountain Region
of Northwestern Pennsylvania
Below are just a few of the many things that
Majestic Kamp & Lost Trails has to offer the OHV ...
Buchanan State Forest Pennsylvania
South of Bedford and Rainsburg, the Martin Hill
area has 14 miles of ATV trails. It is 70% logging
roads and 30% rocky trails.
Acces ...
Lycoming County Pennsylvania - 17 miles of summer
and winter trail. Trails are located near
Haneyville and include the Button Road and a
network of wooded trails built by the ...
Bloody Skillet - The Bloody Skillet ATV Riding
Area Pennsylvania
Located in Centre County, consists of 37 trail
miles (Phase 1 & 2) and is accessed from SR 144
approximatel ...
Burnt Mills- Pike County - Pennsylvania - 7 miles
of summer and winter trail. Access is from a
parking area on Route 402 one mile south of
Porters Lake.
Registered Class II A ...
Maple Run Tract Pike County - Pennsylvania - 8
miles of summer trail. Access is from a parking
area on Route 402 1-3/4 miles north of the village
of Pecks Pond.
Registered Cl ...
Dixon R. Miller Recreation Area - Pennsylvania
(Formerly the Pohopoco Tract)
Monroe County - 13 miles of summer trails. Access
is from Route 115 five miles south of I-80.
C ...
Sideling Hill - Fulton County - 15 miles of summer
trail in the Wells Tannery area. Access is from
Ray's Cove Road or Childers Ridge Road.
Contact: Buchanan State Forest, 440 ...
Martin Hill - Bedford County - 18 miles of summer
trail. Access to the trail is from the parking
area located on Route 326 two miles south of
Rainsburg. More detailed Martin H ...
Bald Eagle State Forest Pennsylvania
North of Harrisburg and west of Lewisburg, the
Bald Eagle State Forest has 10 miles of trails
open to ATV riding. To reach the trailhe ...
Allegheny National Forest Pennsylvania
East of Bradford, the Willow Creek ATV Trail is an
10.8-mile loop trail traversing scenic, forested
hills on the Bradford District o ...
Offroad Parks
So where can you wheel legally? Here's some locations we
know about.
Great Tire Deals
Jeep Project CJ-7 An ongoing Budgeted Rebuild/Build up
of a Rock Crawling Machine.
Typical 4WD Steering Configurations
A simple overview of Crossover Steering, V-Link Steering,
Re-circulating Ball and Tie Rod, Rack-and-Pinion and Double Crossover
steering systems found on 4x4 solid axle and independent axle setups.