The threat of storms passing through the York area didn’t seem deter anyone from arriving early day-1 of the show. We pulled into the fairgrounds early Saturday morning amazed at how many Jeeps already occupied the entire arena. This show was gearing up to be larger than any of the previous All Breeds shows we had attended of the past 20 years due in large part to the exploding popularity of the Jeep JK.
It wasn’t long before the showers passed and the umbrellas disappeared but the Jeeps kept coming. By noon the grass covered grounds were at full capacity. At some point in the near future it seems this show will have to start lining the Jeeps along the track that surrounds the infield.
What’s nice about the All Breeds show is that you don’t have to walk too far to get to any one attraction within the event. The show occupies the York Fair’s track lined infield and the track itself.
The eastern half of infield is mostly vendors and organizations selling Jeep products of every kind and displaying some off the most amazing Jeep builds we’ve seen anywhere.
The diverse array of offroad related companies here, most of which are Jeep related, reflects the huge surge in Jeep interest and Jeep ownership in the past few years. Out of this diversity comes some of the most innovative engineering targeting whatever part of the Jeep you’d like to upgrade. Even the Jeep Corporation understands this growing interest in innovation and brought out several of their highly desired prototypes.
The 2-day event is jam packed with plenty of entertainment to fill a day or even a weekend if you can stand that much fun.
Well worth the $5 price for admission. Food vendors provide plenty of great food and drink.
Between the vendors and swap meet there’s enough of a supply of Jeep parts and accessories available to empty the Jeep owners pockets. If you have never been to the All Breeds Jeep show, it’s worth the trip.
We give this show a big fat thumbs up that’s for sure. It keeps us coming back year after year.
Enjoy hundreds of photos from the event here:
2015 All Breeds Photos
PA Jeeps Inc. Contact Information
PA Jeeps Inc.
P.O. Box 212
Shrewsbury, PA. 17361-0212
York Fair Contact Information
York Fair
334 Carlisle Avenue
York, PA 17404
Great Jeeps flexing their muscles back then. Hope their 25th year event would be so much fun.