Anderson Creek


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The beginning of this trail was a bit tight as we decended from the clearing in the top picture down to the upper right picture which is along the creek at the bottom of the valley.  The trail was used mainly by quads and motorcycles but somehow we squeezed our truck thru some tight trees and around a tight bend at the bottom.  As it always seem to happen, getting thru a tight spot or past a hard obstacle is usually rewarded by some great surroundings. This time around the creek was quite low making it possible to park out on a jetty of rocks to snap some pictures.

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We just hung out here for a while before moving on up the trail on the east side of the creek.  At a point a little ways up the trail we found a place to cross over to where the trail picked up on the opposite side and continued into the woods eventually to some old rail road tracks.

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Here we were heading up the valley side for a while on yet another old logging trail which led to the RR tracks.  We followed the tracks for a while then diverted up the valley side. Along the way we passed several side trails that continued up the side of the valley however we opted to head back down towards the creek again where we met up with the tracks once again that followed the creek.

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September 98 Pics

Valley View

Trails along the creek

Crossing the RR Tracks
More Trails


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