Centralia   Pennsylvania

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When we made our first trip to Centralia in the spring of 1999 this hill side is where most of the visible smoke and steam was coming from.


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We took a closer look.


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Walking carefully we took a look around.


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Another of the many venting cracks in the ground.


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We were told that a church stood somewhere near this location.

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Here is another shot of a venting hole around which rocks were too warm to touch.

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These venting gases around these rocks were so super heated that at some point they had caught the fallen trees on fire.

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Less that 15 years ago there were homes on these blocks.

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The old church.
Photo courtesy of:
Karl Xydexx Jorgensen

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Notice the few remaining row homes in the background.


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An old shack.

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Cut wires that once fed electricity to rows of homes.

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The grim looking image above, taken February of 1999, was submitted by Alfonse A. Di Giacomo, Jr


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