ancien_1.gif (8308 bytes) The Hell Hill ancien_1.gif (8308 bytes)


workin.jpg (14743 bytes)


Long, Muddy,
Rocky and Steep


GPS Coordinates GPS coordinates
Hell Hill
41°   12.13 North
075°  53.96 West
The following picture are from somewhere in Pocono Mountains.  We've been trying to accend this hill that doesn't want to be climbed.  At least not without spending the money.  First it was more agressive tires which got us higher that previous attempts.  Next I guess it's lockers.  Yeah, that's right.   These mostly stock offroaders don't have lockers.  Well what do you want for comuter vehicles.  We had fun trying anyway.  Maybe next time we'll get a little more agressive and break something.  That ought to be fun. 

4runnr1.jpg (17993 bytes)   4runnr2.jpg (19512 bytes)

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digging.jpg (10726 bytes)   stopped.jpg (13035 bytes)

angle-it.jpg (11914 bytes)   4runnr5.jpg (10292 bytes)

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