Just got this installed, read some reviews on what to put in my front Dana 30, read allot that this model was just excellent, didn't really feel the locker until you lost traction, well I do feel this locker, there's feed back, just picked my jeep up today and haven't really tested this out yet, took my jeep out of 4 to 2 high, I was getting some bump steer and I was on dry Payment, there's still snow here, but been melting and theres more dry payment now, I'm planning on taking her out to some snowy roads, this would be called to the end of the road, I want to test her around corners to see if I loose steering and to see if traction is still maintained. From the review up above there has to be some kind gear chosen, to give better lock up, haven't really read it through, well my set up is a new ring and pinion 456 right now I have my winter tires on, there 31 for summer I have some very nice 33. I sure hope this shop didn't mess-up putting my ring & pinion in.
Rating: 5
Product Details: "Detroit TrueTrac" by Editor - posted: Thu April 5, 2007 - Rating: 6.16
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